Revitate’s Opportunity Zone Market Update and Policy Outlook with Senator Tim Scott

On Wednesday, September 7th, Revitate hosted a special live webcast featuring U.S. Senator Tim Scott, Co-Author of Federal OZ Legislation (R-SC), to discuss the current state of the Opportunity Zone (OZ) marketplace and federal policy discussion.

Joining Senator Scott were several other top OZ practitioners and policy experts:

  • Christopher Cox, Former SEC Chairman

  • Alex Bhathal, Executive Chairman, Revitate

  • Kunal Merchant, Chief Operating Officer, Revitate

  • Jack Rybicki, Managing Principal, CLA

  • Carey Heyman, Managing Principal, CLA

  • Adam Farris, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Tim Scott

Key highlights of the event included:

  • CLA’s Jack Rybicki and Carey Heyman, discussing CLA’s interest in Opportunity Zones and recent partnership with Revitate on our Revitate Impact OZ 2022 Fund.

  • Alex Bhathal update on his longstanding interest in OZ’s and goals for the current Revitate Impact Fund.

  • Kunal Merchant offering an assessment of the current state of the OZ marketplace.

  • Senator Scott providing insight into the inspiration behind the OZ program and his goals for additional legislation.

  • Chris Cox providing his analysis of the current market conditions and how OZ investment may provide a strategic advantage to investors.

  • Adam Farris walking through key components of proposed follow-on legislation that Senator Scott hopes to enact later this year or in early 2023.

This was the latest in a series of Revitate Insight events intended to help educate investors, advisors, and others in the Revitate community on opportunity zones and other key topics.


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