Revitate Leaders talk Sports, Real Estate, and Social Impact at ALTSLA 2022

Revitate principals Alex BhathalKunal Merchant, and Chris Marsh were featured speakers at ALTSLA 2022 on Thursday, March 24th in Los Angeles.  

Led by the CFA Society Los AngelesCAIA Association and the CalALTs Association, ALTSLA is an educationally-focused alternative investment conference designed to bring the professional investor community together for a full day of dialogue and discussion on the most relevant topics facing investors today. 

 Alex, Kunal, and Chris spoke on a keynote panel entitled: “Emerging Trends in Sports, Consumer, and Real Estate Investing.

The trio covered a range of topics, including how private equity’s increasing connectivity with athletes, entrepreneurs, developers, influencers, and communities is generating unique opportunities with potentially game-changing impact. 

“At a moment when demand for differentiated and impact-driven strategies has never been higher, recent developments in sports, consumer, and real estate investing offer new frontiers of innovation and opportunity.” said moderator Kunal Merchant.    

Now in its seventh year, ALTSA has grown to become one of the West Coast’s premier alternative investment conferences, bringing together leading industry experts in alternative investments including hedge funds, private equity, real estate, natural resources, commodities, managed futures, asset allocation strategies, and global economic conditions.

The group also hosted a packed breakout roundtable discussion on Looking Ahead in Multifamily: Workforce Housing as a Strategy. Chris Marsh facilitated a group discussion outlining the strategy and approach behind Revitate Cherry Tree’s differentiated approach to multifamily investing.

“Even in inflationary times, we believe multifamily investors can do well by doing good,” Marsh explained. “As our initial investments are bearing out, we believe strongly that we can deliver attractive returns to investors while protecting – instead of displacing – working families.”

This is the latest in a series of presentations that the Revitate team has made since launching Revitate and the Revitate Cherry Tree Multifamily Fund I.

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