Lisa Merage featured in ‘Using the Capital for Communities Scorecard to Boost Social Impact and Equity’ Webcast


The need for capital to support development in many communities is pressing. Most cities and regions include neighborhoods that lack investment and face growing racial disparities in access to jobs, amenities, and affordable housing. Recent federal investments in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, American Rescue Plan Act, and Inflation Reduction Act are providing unprecedented new funding to local and state governments to upgrade and expand infrastructure, build new housing, create jobs, support local businesses, and move toward a more sustainable and resilient future. This new funding could change American communities for the better, but without careful planning and alignment with community goals, it could exacerbate inequities.

During this event, we will demonstrate how private developers, mission-driven investors, governments, and nonprofit organizations can use the Urban Institute’s new Capital for Communities Scorecard to assess whether proposed projects align with community priorities and contribute to local social impact. Leaders across the country working to launch projects in underinvested areas that advance community goals and boost equity will discuss how this tool could benefit their work.


  • Adriana Abizadeh, Executive Director, Kensington Corridor Trust

  • Xavier de Souza Briggs, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

  • Sharon Carney, Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Washington, DC

  • Martha Fedorowicz, Policy Associate, Research to Action Lab, Urban Institute

  • Lisa Merage, Chief Impact Officer and Managing Partner, Revitate

  • Kate Reynolds, Principal Policy Associate, Research to Action Lab, Urban Institute

  • Brett Theodos, Senior Fellow and Director of the Community Economic Development Hub, Urban Institute


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